A ‘Thank You’ Letter to My Wife
To my dearest, most beautiful wife, Hunter.
From the bottom of my heart, I love you, I appreciate you, I respect you and I am profoundly grateful for who you are.
I love who you are for people. How genuinely caring and compassionate you are. How generously and freely you give of yourself to others, and how authentic and revealed you are. What an extraordinary example you set. You are so beautiful and kind.
I love you for who you are for our three children, and our two beautiful grandsons. Our beautiful children are as beautiful as they are because of how beautiful you are, and how beautiful you have been to them throughout their entire lives. Thank you for the love and caring and nurturing that you have selflessly provided to them over so, so many years.
I love you for who you are for me. It is truly beyond words to encapsulate how grateful I am, how deeply fortunate and lucky I am, how appreciative and honored I am for having been loved by you for these last 53 years of our extraordinary friendship and 41 years of marriage. Thank you for being so relentlessly consistent in your easy and delightful temperament. Thank you for the incredible acts of kindness that are truly your signature. Thank you for all you do for others, and how deeply you contribute to their lives. Thank you for your generous laughter and your unpretentious nature. Thank you for being there during all my times of need, and, quite simply, thank you for so many tens of thousands of hours of your delightful company, conversation and companionship. I am deeply humbled by the privilege it is to be your husband.
And mostly, thank you for who you are for life itself. The depth of your character is truly extraordinary. Your strength, your focus and your discipline, are matched only by your aliveness, your lightness, your sensitivity, your thoughtfulness and your unique and remarkable energy. I have never met anybody like you. You are beautiful and brilliant and sexy, charming and funny and elegant, vibrant and alive and tender, smart and caring and humble, confident and powerful and sensitive. You are such an extraordinary blend of unique and subtle and rich qualities and characteristics. You are a beautiful masterpiece.
There is so much love in your heart — thank you for allowing me to share in it. I thank God for creating you for me. I thank God for who you have been and who you are for me. I thank God for the ‘Angel on Earth’ that you are.
Thank you.
I love you.